Unpacking & Mom’s birthday

Happy birthday to my mom! Spent today doing the usual errand running and unpacking that come after a long trip. Along with that was doing some organizing in my craft room. I need to start next on the darkroom organizing and clean up. That is today’s photo of the day~my darkroom. I have had it just over three years now, when we built our house it was one of my dream add-ons to the house. It is what would have been the craft room bathroom.


My darkroom is a bit of a mess right now from working on some cyanotypes. I have black lights (used for the UV) set on the enlarger, chemicals out on the counter, and developer pans in the sink. Cleaning up this room will be a project for this weekend for sure.

Have you ever thought of developing your own film? Did you know that you can without even having a darkroom? You can. While it might not be as easy because you might have to set up and tear down and find places to store the chemicals it can be done in most any kitchen or bathroom. Be open to the idea because it can open up a new way to be creative.


Back in the Studio


On vacation….(kind of)